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namestringID of the trace configuration override specified as a system-generated UUID.
apiProxystringID of the API proxy that will have its trace configuration overridden.
samplingConfigobjectTraceSamplingConfig represents the detail settings of distributed tracing. Only the fields that are defined in the distributed trace configuration can be overridden using the distribute trace configuration override APIs.


NameAccessible byRequired ParamsDescription
organizations_environments_trace_config_overrides_getSELECTenvironmentsId, organizationsId, overridesIdGets a trace configuration override.
organizations_environments_trace_config_overrides_listSELECTenvironmentsId, organizationsIdLists all of the distributed trace configuration overrides in an environment.
organizations_environments_trace_config_overrides_createINSERTenvironmentsId, organizationsIdCreates a trace configuration override. The response contains a system-generated UUID, that can be used to view, update, or delete the configuration override. Use the List API to view the existing trace configuration overrides.
organizations_environments_trace_config_overrides_deleteDELETEenvironmentsId, organizationsId, overridesIdDeletes a distributed trace configuration override.
_organizations_environments_trace_config_overrides_listEXECenvironmentsId, organizationsIdLists all of the distributed trace configuration overrides in an environment.
organizations_environments_trace_config_overrides_patchEXECenvironmentsId, organizationsId, overridesIdUpdates a distributed trace configuration override. Note that the repeated fields have replace semantics when included in the field mask and that they will be overwritten by the value of the fields in the request body.