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namestringOutput only. Name of the API proxy.
apiProxyTypestringOutput only. The type of the API proxy.
labelsobjectUser labels applied to this API Proxy.
latestRevisionIdstringOutput only. The id of the most recently created revision for this api proxy.
metaDataobjectMetadata common to many entities in this API.
readOnlybooleanOutput only. Whether this proxy is read-only. A read-only proxy cannot have new revisions created through calls to CreateApiProxyRevision. A proxy is read-only if it was generated by an archive.
revisionarrayOutput only. List of revisions defined for the API proxy.


NameAccessible byRequired ParamsDescription
organizations_apis_getSELECTapisId, organizationsIdGets an API proxy including a list of existing revisions.
organizations_apis_listSELECTorganizationsIdLists the names of all API proxies in an organization. The names returned correspond to the names defined in the configuration files for each API proxy.
organizations_apis_createINSERTorganizationsIdCreates an API proxy. The API proxy created will not be accessible at runtime until it is deployed to an environment. Create a new API proxy by setting the name query parameter to the name of the API proxy. Import an API proxy configuration bundle stored in zip format on your local machine to your organization by doing the following: Set the name query parameter to the name of the API proxy. Set the action query parameter to import. Set the Content-Type header to multipart/form-data. Pass as a file the name of API proxy configuration bundle stored in zip format on your local machine using the file form field. Note: To validate the API proxy configuration bundle only without importing it, set the action query parameter to validate. When importing an API proxy configuration bundle, if the API proxy does not exist, it will be created. If the API proxy exists, then a new revision is created. Invalid API proxy configurations are rejected, and a list of validation errors is returned to the client.
organizations_apis_deleteDELETEapisId, organizationsIdDeletes an API proxy and all associated endpoints, policies, resources, and revisions. The API proxy must be undeployed before you can delete it.
organizations_apis_patchEXECapisId, organizationsIdUpdates an existing API proxy.