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accessTypestringAccess type.
appFamilystringDeveloper app family.
appsarrayList of apps associated with the developer.
attributesarrayOptional. Developer attributes (name/value pairs). The custom attribute limit is 18.
companiesarrayList of companies associated with the developer.
createdAtstringOutput only. Time at which the developer was created in milliseconds since epoch.
developerIdstringID of the developer. Note: IDs are generated internally by Apigee and are not guaranteed to stay the same over time.
emailstringRequired. Email address of the developer. This value is used to uniquely identify the developer in Apigee hybrid. Note that the email address has to be in lowercase only.
firstNamestringRequired. First name of the developer.
lastModifiedAtstringOutput only. Time at which the developer was last modified in milliseconds since epoch.
lastNamestringRequired. Last name of the developer.
organizationNamestringOutput only. Name of the Apigee organization in which the developer resides.
statusstringOutput only. Status of the developer. Valid values are active and inactive.
userNamestringRequired. User name of the developer. Not used by Apigee hybrid.


NameAccessible byRequired ParamsDescription
organizations_developers_getSELECTdevelopersId, organizationsIdReturns the developer details, including the developer's name, email address, apps, and other information. Note: The response includes only the first 100 developer apps.
organizations_developers_listSELECTorganizationsIdLists all developers in an organization by email address. By default, the response does not include company developers. Set the includeCompany query parameter to true to include company developers. Note: A maximum of 1000 developers are returned in the response. You paginate the list of developers returned using the startKey and count query parameters.
organizations_developers_createINSERTorganizationsIdCreates a developer. Once created, the developer can register an app and obtain an API key. At creation time, a developer is set as active. To change the developer status, use the SetDeveloperStatus API.
organizations_developers_deleteDELETEdevelopersId, organizationsIdDeletes a developer. All apps and API keys associated with the developer are also removed. Warning: This API will permanently delete the developer and related artifacts. To avoid permanently deleting developers and their artifacts, set the developer status to inactive using the SetDeveloperStatus API. Note: The delete operation is asynchronous. The developer app is deleted immediately, but its associated resources, such as apps and API keys, may take anywhere from a few seconds to a few minutes to be deleted.
organizations_developers_attributesEXECdevelopersId, organizationsIdUpdates developer attributes. This API replaces the existing attributes with those specified in the request. Add new attributes, and include or exclude any existing attributes that you want to retain or remove, respectively. The custom attribute limit is 18. Note: OAuth access tokens and Key Management Service (KMS) entities (apps, developers, and API products) are cached for 180 seconds (default). Any custom attributes associated with these entities are cached for at least 180 seconds after the entity is accessed at runtime. Therefore, an ExpiresIn element on the OAuthV2 policy won't be able to expire an access token in less than 180 seconds.
organizations_developers_set_developer_statusEXECdevelopersId, organizationsIdSets the status of a developer. A developer is active by default. If you set a developer's status to inactive, the API keys assigned to the developer apps are no longer valid even though the API keys are set to approved. Inactive developers can still sign in to the developer portal and create apps; however, any new API keys generated during app creation won't work. To set the status of a developer, set the action query parameter to active or inactive, and the Content-Type header to application/octet-stream. If successful, the API call returns the following HTTP status code: 204 No Content
organizations_developers_updateEXECdevelopersId, organizationsIdUpdates a developer. This API replaces the existing developer details with those specified in the request. Include or exclude any existing details that you want to retain or delete, respectively. The custom attribute limit is 18. Note: OAuth access tokens and Key Management Service (KMS) entities (apps, developers, and API products) are cached for 180 seconds (current default). Any custom attributes associated with these entities are cached for at least 180 seconds after the entity is accessed at runtime. Therefore, an ExpiresIn element on the OAuthV2 policy won't be able to expire an access token in less than 180 seconds.