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namestringImmutable. Name of the AppGroup. Characters you can use in the name are restricted to: A-Z0-9._-$ %.
appGroupIdstringOutput only. Internal identifier that cannot be edited
attributesarrayA list of attributes
channelIdstringchannel identifier identifies the owner maintaing this grouping.
channelUristringA reference to the associated storefront/marketplace.
createdAtstringOutput only. Created time as milliseconds since epoch.
displayNamestringapp group name displayed in the UI
lastModifiedAtstringOutput only. Modified time as milliseconds since epoch.
organizationstringImmutable. the org the app group is created
statusstringValid values are active or inactive. Note that the status of the AppGroup should be updated via UpdateAppGroupRequest by setting the action as active or inactive.


NameAccessible byRequired ParamsDescription
organizations_appgroups_getSELECTappgroupsId, organizationsIdReturns the AppGroup details for the provided AppGroup name in the request URI.
organizations_appgroups_listSELECTorganizationsIdLists all AppGroups in an organization. A maximum of 1000 AppGroups are returned in the response if PageSize is not specified, or if the PageSize is greater than 1000.
organizations_appgroups_createINSERTorganizationsIdCreates an AppGroup. Once created, user can register apps under the AppGroup to obtain secret key and password. At creation time, the AppGroup's state is set as active.
organizations_appgroups_deleteDELETEappgroupsId, organizationsIdDeletes an AppGroup. All app and API keys associations with the AppGroup are also removed. Warning: This API will permanently delete the AppGroup and related artifacts. Note: The delete operation is asynchronous. The AppGroup app is deleted immediately, but its associated resources, such as apps and API keys, may take anywhere from a few seconds to a few minutes to be deleted.
_organizations_appgroups_listEXECorganizationsIdLists all AppGroups in an organization. A maximum of 1000 AppGroups are returned in the response if PageSize is not specified, or if the PageSize is greater than 1000.
organizations_appgroups_updateEXECappgroupsId, organizationsIdUpdates an appGroup. This API replaces the existing appGroup details with those specified in the request. Include or exclude any existing details that you want to retain or delete, respectively. Note that the state of the AppGroup should be updated using action, and not via AppGroup. Note: OAuth access tokens and Key Management Service (KMS) entities (apps, developers, and API products) are cached for 180 seconds (current default). Any custom attributes associated with these entities are cached for at least 180 seconds after the entity is accessed at runtime. Therefore, an ExpiresIn element on the OAuthV2 policy won't be able to expire an access token in less than 180 seconds.