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namestringResource name of the SFDC channel projects/{project}/locations/{location}/sfdcInstances/{sfdc_instance}/sfdcChannels/{sfdc_channel}.
descriptionstringThe description for this channel
channelTopicstringThe Channel topic defined by salesforce once an channel is opened
createTimestringOutput only. Time when the channel is created
deleteTimestringOutput only. Time when the channel was deleted. Empty if not deleted.
displayNamestringClient level unique name/alias to easily reference a channel.
isActivebooleanIndicated if a channel has any active integrations referencing it. Set to false when the channel is created, and set to true if there is any integration published with the channel configured in it.
lastReplayIdstringLast sfdc messsage replay id for channel
updateTimestringOutput only. Time when the channel was last updated


NameAccessible byRequired ParamsDescription
projects_locations_products_sfdc_instances_sfdc_channels_getSELECTlocationsId, productsId, projectsId, sfdcChannelsId, sfdcInstancesIdGets an sfdc channel. If the channel doesn't exist, Code.NOT_FOUND exception will be thrown.
projects_locations_products_sfdc_instances_sfdc_channels_listSELECTlocationsId, productsId, projectsId, sfdcInstancesIdLists all sfdc channels that match the filter. Restrict to sfdc channels belonging to the current client only.
projects_locations_sfdc_instances_sfdc_channels_getSELECTlocationsId, projectsId, sfdcChannelsId, sfdcInstancesIdGets an sfdc channel. If the channel doesn't exist, Code.NOT_FOUND exception will be thrown.
projects_locations_sfdc_instances_sfdc_channels_listSELECTlocationsId, projectsId, sfdcInstancesIdLists all sfdc channels that match the filter. Restrict to sfdc channels belonging to the current client only.
projects_locations_products_sfdc_instances_sfdc_channels_createINSERTlocationsId, productsId, projectsId, sfdcInstancesIdCreates an sfdc channel record. Store the sfdc channel in Spanner. Returns the sfdc channel.
projects_locations_sfdc_instances_sfdc_channels_createINSERTlocationsId, projectsId, sfdcInstancesIdCreates an sfdc channel record. Store the sfdc channel in Spanner. Returns the sfdc channel.
projects_locations_products_sfdc_instances_sfdc_channels_deleteDELETElocationsId, productsId, projectsId, sfdcChannelsId, sfdcInstancesIdDeletes an sfdc channel.
projects_locations_sfdc_instances_sfdc_channels_deleteDELETElocationsId, projectsId, sfdcChannelsId, sfdcInstancesIdDeletes an sfdc channel.
_projects_locations_products_sfdc_instances_sfdc_channels_listEXEClocationsId, productsId, projectsId, sfdcInstancesIdLists all sfdc channels that match the filter. Restrict to sfdc channels belonging to the current client only.
_projects_locations_sfdc_instances_sfdc_channels_listEXEClocationsId, projectsId, sfdcInstancesIdLists all sfdc channels that match the filter. Restrict to sfdc channels belonging to the current client only.
projects_locations_products_sfdc_instances_sfdc_channels_patchEXEClocationsId, productsId, projectsId, sfdcChannelsId, sfdcInstancesIdUpdates an sfdc channel. Updates the sfdc channel in spanner. Returns the sfdc channel.
projects_locations_sfdc_instances_sfdc_channels_patchEXEClocationsId, projectsId, sfdcChannelsId, sfdcInstancesIdUpdates an sfdc channel. Updates the sfdc channel in spanner. Returns the sfdc channel.