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namestringAuto-generated primary key.
createTimestringOutput only. Created time of the execution.
directSubExecutionsarrayDirect sub executions of the following Execution.
eventExecutionDetailsobjectContains the details of the execution info of this event: this includes the tasks execution details plus the event execution statistics. Next available id: 10
executionDetailsobjectContains the details of the execution info: this includes the tasks execution details plus the event execution statistics.
executionMethodstringThe ways user posts this event.
requestParametersobjectEvent parameters come in as part of the request.
requestParamsarrayEvent parameters come in as part of the request.
responseParametersobjectEvent parameters returned as part of the response.
responseParamsarrayEvent parameters come out as part of the response.
triggerIdstringThe trigger id of the integration trigger config. If both trigger_id and client_id is present, the integration is executed from the start tasks provided by the matching trigger config otherwise it is executed from the default start tasks.
updateTimestringOutput only. Last modified time of the execution.


NameAccessible byRequired ParamsDescription
projects_locations_integrations_executions_listSELECTintegrationsId, locationsId, projectsIdLists the results of all the integration executions. The response includes the same information as the execution log in the Integration UI.
projects_locations_products_integrations_executions_getSELECTexecutionsId, integrationsId, locationsId, productsId, projectsIdGet an execution in the specified project.
projects_locations_products_integrations_executions_listSELECTintegrationsId, locationsId, productsId, projectsIdLists the results of all the integration executions. The response includes the same information as the execution log in the Integration UI.
_projects_locations_integrations_executions_listEXECintegrationsId, locationsId, projectsIdLists the results of all the integration executions. The response includes the same information as the execution log in the Integration UI.
_projects_locations_products_integrations_executions_listEXECintegrationsId, locationsId, productsId, projectsIdLists the results of all the integration executions. The response includes the same information as the execution log in the Integration UI.
projects_locations_products_integrations_executions_cancelEXECexecutionsId, integrationsId, locationsId, productsId, projectsIdCancellation of an execution