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namestringOutput only. Resource name of the Connection. Format: projects/{project}/locations/{location}/connections/{connection}
descriptionstringOptional. Description of the resource.
authConfigobjectAuthConfig defines details of a authentication type.
configVariablesarrayOptional. Configuration for configuring the connection with an external system.
connectionRevisionstringOutput only. Connection revision. This field is only updated when the connection is created or updated by User.
connectorVersionstringRequired. Connector version on which the connection is created. The format is: projects//locations//providers//connectors//versions/* Only global location is supported for ConnectorVersion resource.
connectorVersionInfraConfigobjectThis cofiguration provides infra configs like rate limit threshold which need to be configurable for every connector version
connectorVersionLaunchStagestringOutput only. Flag to mark the version indicating the launch stage.
createTimestringOutput only. Created time.
destinationConfigsarrayOptional. Configuration of the Connector's destination. Only accepted for Connectors that accepts user defined destination(s).
envoyImageLocationstringOutput only. GCR location where the envoy image is stored. formatted like:{bucketName}/{imageName}
eventingConfigobjectEventing Configuration of a connection
eventingEnablementTypestringOptional. Eventing enablement type. Will be nil if eventing is not enabled.
eventingRuntimeDataobjectEventing runtime data has the details related to eventing managed by the system.
imageLocationstringOutput only. GCR location where the runtime image is stored. formatted like:{bucketName}/{imageName}
labelsobjectOptional. Resource labels to represent user-provided metadata. Refer to cloud documentation on labels for more details.
lockConfigobjectDetermines whether or no a connection is locked. If locked, a reason must be specified.
logConfigobjectLog configuration for the connection.
nodeConfigobjectNode configuration for the connection.
serviceAccountstringOptional. Service account needed for runtime plane to access Google Cloud resources.
serviceDirectorystringOutput only. The name of the Service Directory service name. Used for Private Harpoon to resolve the ILB address. e.g. "projects/cloud-connectors-e2e-testing/locations/us-central1/namespaces/istio-system/services/istio-ingressgateway-connectors"
sslConfigobjectSSL Configuration of a connection
statusobjectConnectionStatus indicates the state of the connection.
subscriptionTypestringOutput only. This subscription type enum states the subscription type of the project.
suspendedbooleanOptional. Suspended indicates if a user has suspended a connection or not.
updateTimestringOutput only. Updated time.


NameAccessible byRequired Params
projects_locations_connections_listSELECTlocationsId, projectsId
_projects_locations_connections_listEXEClocationsId, projectsId