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namestringThe resource name of the tag in URL format where tag ID is a system-generated identifier. Note: The tag itself might not be stored in the location specified in its name.
templatestringRequired. The resource name of the tag template this tag uses. Example: projects/{PROJECT_ID}/locations/{LOCATION}/tagTemplates/{TAG_TEMPLATE_ID} This field cannot be modified after creation.
templateDisplayNamestringOutput only. The display name of the tag template.
columnstringResources like entry can have schemas associated with them. This scope allows you to attach tags to an individual column based on that schema. To attach a tag to a nested column, separate column names with a dot (.). Example: column.nested_column.
fieldsobjectRequired. Maps the ID of a tag field to its value and additional information about that field. Tag template defines valid field IDs. A tag must have at least 1 field and at most 500 fields.


NameAccessible byRequired ParamsDescription
projects_locations_entry_groups_entries_tags_listSELECTentriesId, entryGroupsId, locationsId, projectsIdLists tags assigned to an Entry. The columns in the response are lowercased.
projects_locations_entry_groups_tags_listSELECTentryGroupsId, locationsId, projectsIdLists tags assigned to an Entry. The columns in the response are lowercased.
projects_locations_entry_groups_entries_tags_createINSERTentriesId, entryGroupsId, locationsId, projectsIdCreates a tag and assigns it to: An Entry if the method name is projects.locations.entryGroups.entries.tags.create. Or EntryGroupif the method name is projects.locations.entryGroups.tags.create. Note: The project identified by the parent parameter for the [tag] ( and the [tag template] ( used to create the tag must be in the same organization.
projects_locations_entry_groups_tags_createINSERTentryGroupsId, locationsId, projectsIdCreates a tag and assigns it to: An Entry if the method name is projects.locations.entryGroups.entries.tags.create. Or EntryGroupif the method name is projects.locations.entryGroups.tags.create. Note: The project identified by the parent parameter for the [tag] ( and the [tag template] ( used to create the tag must be in the same organization.
projects_locations_entry_groups_entries_tags_deleteDELETEentriesId, entryGroupsId, locationsId, projectsId, tagsIdDeletes a tag.
projects_locations_entry_groups_tags_deleteDELETEentryGroupsId, locationsId, projectsId, tagsIdDeletes a tag.
_projects_locations_entry_groups_entries_tags_listEXECentriesId, entryGroupsId, locationsId, projectsIdLists tags assigned to an Entry. The columns in the response are lowercased.
_projects_locations_entry_groups_tags_listEXECentryGroupsId, locationsId, projectsIdLists tags assigned to an Entry. The columns in the response are lowercased.
projects_locations_entry_groups_entries_tags_patchEXECentriesId, entryGroupsId, locationsId, projectsId, tagsIdUpdates an existing tag.
projects_locations_entry_groups_entries_tags_reconcileEXECentriesId, entryGroupsId, locationsId, projectsIdReconcileTags creates or updates a list of tags on the entry. If the ReconcileTagsRequest.force_delete_missing parameter is set, the operation deletes tags not included in the input tag list. ReconcileTags returns a long-running operation resource that can be queried with Operations.GetOperation to return ReconcileTagsMetadata and a ReconcileTagsResponse message.
projects_locations_entry_groups_tags_patchEXECentryGroupsId, locationsId, projectsId, tagsIdUpdates an existing tag.