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versionintegerSpecifies the format of the policy. Valid values are 0, 1, and 3. Requests that specify an invalid value are rejected. Any operation that affects conditional role bindings must specify version 3. This requirement applies to the following operations: Getting a policy that includes a conditional role binding Adding a conditional role binding to a policy Changing a conditional role binding in a policy Removing any role binding, with or without a condition, from a policy that includes conditions Important: If you use IAM Conditions, you must include the etag field whenever you call setIamPolicy. If you omit this field, then IAM allows you to overwrite a version 3 policy with a version 1 policy, and all of the conditions in the version 3 policy are lost. If a policy does not include any conditions, operations on that policy may specify any valid version or leave the field unset. To learn which resources support conditions in their IAM policies, see the IAM documentation.
bindingsarrayAssociates a list of members, or principals, with a role. Optionally, may specify a condition that determines how and when the bindings are applied. Each of the bindings must contain at least one principal. The bindings in a Policy can refer to up to 1,500 principals; up to 250 of these principals can be Google groups. Each occurrence of a principal counts towards these limits. For example, if the bindings grant 50 different roles to, and not to any other principal, then you can add another 1,450 principals to the bindings in the Policy.
etagstringetag is used for optimistic concurrency control as a way to help prevent simultaneous updates of a policy from overwriting each other. It is strongly suggested that systems make use of the etag in the read-modify-write cycle to perform policy updates in order to avoid race conditions: An etag is returned in the response to getIamPolicy, and systems are expected to put that etag in the request to setIamPolicy to ensure that their change will be applied to the same version of the policy. Important: If you use IAM Conditions, you must include the etag field whenever you call setIamPolicy. If you omit this field, then IAM allows you to overwrite a version 3 policy with a version 1 policy, and all of the conditions in the version 3 policy are lost.


NameAccessible byRequired ParamsDescription
projects_locations_entry_groups_entries_get_iam_policySELECTentriesId, entryGroupsId, locationsId, projectsIdGets the access control policy for a resource. May return: ANOT_FOUND error if the resource doesn't exist or you don't have the permission to view it. An empty policy if the resource exists but doesn't have a set policy. Supported resources are: - Tag templates - Entry groups Note: This method doesn't get policies from Google Cloud Platform resources ingested into Data Catalog. To call this method, you must have the following Google IAM permissions: - datacatalog.tagTemplates.getIamPolicy to get policies on tag templates. - datacatalog.entryGroups.getIamPolicy to get policies on entry groups.
projects_locations_entry_groups_entries_test_iam_permissionsEXECentriesId, entryGroupsId, locationsId, projectsIdGets your permissions on a resource. Returns an empty set of permissions if the resource doesn't exist. Supported resources are: - Tag templates - Entry groups Note: This method gets policies only within Data Catalog and can't be used to get policies from BigQuery, Pub/Sub, Dataproc Metastore, and any external Google Cloud Platform resources ingested into Data Catalog. No Google IAM permissions are required to call this method.