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namestringOutput only. The resource name of an entry in URL format. Note: The entry itself and its child resources might not be stored in the location specified in its name.
descriptionstringEntry description that can consist of several sentences or paragraphs that describe entry contents. The description must not contain Unicode non-characters as well as C0 and C1 control codes except tabs (HT), new lines (LF), carriage returns (CR), and page breaks (FF). The maximum size is 2000 bytes when encoded in UTF-8. Default value is an empty string.
dataSourceConnectionSpecobjectSpecification that applies to a data source connection. Valid only for entries with the DATA_SOURCE_CONNECTION type. Only one of internal specs can be set at the time, and cannot be changed later.
lookerSystemSpecobjectSpecification that applies to entries that are part LOOKER system (user_specified_type)
displayNamestringDisplay name of an entry. The maximum size is 500 bytes when encoded in UTF-8. Default value is an empty string.
schemaobjectRepresents a schema, for example, a BigQuery, GoogleSQL, or Avro schema.
usageSignalobjectThe set of all usage signals that Data Catalog stores. Note: Usually, these signals are updated daily. In rare cases, an update may fail but will be performed again on the next day.
userSpecifiedSystemstringIndicates the entry's source system that Data Catalog doesn't automatically integrate with. The user_specified_system string has the following limitations: Is case insensitive. Must begin with a letter or underscore. Can only contain letters, numbers, and underscores. Must be at least 1 character and at most 64 characters long.
serviceSpecobjectSpecification that applies to a Service resource. Valid only for entries with the SERVICE type.
dataSourceobjectPhysical location of an entry.
sqlDatabaseSystemSpecobjectSpecification that applies to entries that are part SQL_DATABASE system (user_specified_type)
businessContextobjectBusiness Context of the entry.
fullyQualifiedNamestringFully Qualified Name (FQN) of the resource. Set automatically for entries representing resources from synced systems. Settable only during creation, and read-only later. Can be used for search and lookup of the entries.
sourceSystemTimestampsobjectTimestamps associated with this resource in a particular system.
personalDetailsobjectEntry metadata relevant only to the user and private to them.
databaseTableSpecobjectSpecification that applies to a table resource. Valid only for entries with the TABLE type.
filesetSpecobjectSpecification that applies to a fileset. Valid only for entries with the 'FILESET' type.
routineSpecobjectSpecification that applies to a routine. Valid only for entries with the ROUTINE type.
linkedResourcestringThe resource this metadata entry refers to. For Google Cloud Platform resources, linked_resource is the [Full Resource Name] ( For example, the linked_resource for a table resource from BigQuery is: //{PROJECT_ID}/datasets/{DATASET_ID}/tables/{TABLE_ID} Output only when the entry is one of the types in the EntryType enum. For entries with a user_specified_type, this field is optional and defaults to an empty string. The resource string must contain only letters (a-z, A-Z), numbers (0-9), underscores (_), periods (.), colons (:), slashes (/), dashes (-), and hashes (#). The maximum size is 200 bytes when encoded in UTF-8.
cloudBigtableSystemSpecobjectSpecification that applies to all entries that are part of CLOUD_BIGTABLE system (user_specified_type)
gcsFilesetSpecobjectDescribes a Cloud Storage fileset entry.
integratedSystemstringOutput only. Indicates the entry's source system that Data Catalog integrates with, such as BigQuery, Pub/Sub, or Dataproc Metastore.
modelSpecobjectSpecification that applies to a model. Valid only for entries with the MODEL type.
bigqueryDateShardedSpecobjectSpecification for a group of BigQuery tables with the [prefix]YYYYMMDD name pattern. For more information, see [Introduction to partitioned tables] (
labelsobjectCloud labels attached to the entry. In Data Catalog, you can create and modify labels attached only to custom entries. Synced entries have unmodifiable labels that come from the source system.
bigqueryTableSpecobjectDescribes a BigQuery table.
typestringThe type of the entry. For details, see EntryType.
datasetSpecobjectSpecification that applies to a dataset. Valid only for entries with the DATASET type.
userSpecifiedTypestringCustom entry type that doesn't match any of the values allowed for input and listed in the EntryType enum. When creating an entry, first check the type values in the enum. If there are no appropriate types for the new entry, provide a custom value, for example, my_special_type. The user_specified_type string has the following limitations: Is case insensitive. Must begin with a letter or underscore. Can only contain letters, numbers, and underscores. Must be at least 1 character and at most 64 characters long.


NameAccessible byRequired ParamsDescription
projects_locations_entry_groups_entries_getSELECTentriesId, entryGroupsId, locationsId, projectsIdGets an entry.
projects_locations_entry_groups_entries_listSELECTentryGroupsId, locationsId, projectsIdLists entries. Note: Currently, this method can list only custom entries. To get a list of both custom and automatically created entries, use SearchCatalog.
projects_locations_entry_groups_entries_createINSERTentryGroupsId, locationsId, projectsIdCreates an entry. You can create entries only with 'FILESET', 'CLUSTER', 'DATA_STREAM', or custom types. Data Catalog automatically creates entries with other types during metadata ingestion from integrated systems. You must enable the Data Catalog API in the project identified by the parent parameter. For more information, see Data Catalog resource project. An entry group can have a maximum of 100,000 entries.
projects_locations_entry_groups_entries_deleteDELETEentriesId, entryGroupsId, locationsId, projectsIdDeletes an existing entry. You can delete only the entries created by the CreateEntry method. You must enable the Data Catalog API in the project identified by the name parameter. For more information, see Data Catalog resource project.
_projects_locations_entry_groups_entries_listEXECentryGroupsId, locationsId, projectsIdLists entries. Note: Currently, this method can list only custom entries. To get a list of both custom and automatically created entries, use SearchCatalog.
entries_lookupEXECGets an entry by its target resource name. The resource name comes from the source Google Cloud Platform service.
projects_locations_entry_groups_entries_importEXECentryGroupsId, locationsId, projectsIdImports entries from a source, such as data previously dumped into a Cloud Storage bucket, into Data Catalog. Import of entries is a sync operation that reconciles the state of the third-party system with the Data Catalog. ImportEntries accepts source data snapshots of a third-party system. Snapshot should be delivered as a .wire or base65-encoded .txt file containing a sequence of Protocol Buffer messages of DumpItem type. ImportEntries returns a long-running operation resource that can be queried with Operations.GetOperation to return ImportEntriesMetadata and an ImportEntriesResponse message.
projects_locations_entry_groups_entries_modify_entry_contactsEXECentriesId, entryGroupsId, locationsId, projectsIdModifies contacts, part of the business context of an Entry. To call this method, you must have the datacatalog.entries.updateContacts IAM permission on the corresponding project.
projects_locations_entry_groups_entries_modify_entry_overviewEXECentriesId, entryGroupsId, locationsId, projectsIdModifies entry overview, part of the business context of an Entry. To call this method, you must have the datacatalog.entries.updateOverview IAM permission on the corresponding project.
projects_locations_entry_groups_entries_patchEXECentriesId, entryGroupsId, locationsId, projectsIdUpdates an existing entry. You must enable the Data Catalog API in the project identified by the parameter. For more information, see Data Catalog resource project.
projects_locations_entry_groups_entries_starEXECentriesId, entryGroupsId, locationsId, projectsIdMarks an Entry as starred by the current user. Starring information is private to each user.
projects_locations_entry_groups_entries_unstarEXECentriesId, entryGroupsId, locationsId, projectsIdMarks an Entry as NOT starred by the current user. Starring information is private to each user.