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namestringA user-defined name of the certificate. Certificate names must be unique globally and match pattern projects/*/locations/*/certificates/*.
descriptionstringOne or more paragraphs of text description of a certificate.
expireTimestringOutput only. The expiry timestamp of a Certificate.
scopestringImmutable. The scope of the certificate.
createTimestringOutput only. The creation timestamp of a Certificate.
labelsobjectSet of labels associated with a Certificate.
managedobjectConfiguration and state of a Managed Certificate. Certificate Manager provisions and renews Managed Certificates automatically, for as long as it's authorized to do so.
updateTimestringOutput only. The last update timestamp of a Certificate.
selfManagedobjectCertificate data for a SelfManaged Certificate. SelfManaged Certificates are uploaded by the user. Updating such certificates before they expire remains the user's responsibility.
pemCertificatestringOutput only. The PEM-encoded certificate chain.
sanDnsnamesarrayOutput only. The list of Subject Alternative Names of dnsName type defined in the certificate (see RFC 5280 Managed certificates that haven't been provisioned yet have this field populated with a value of the field.


NameAccessible byRequired ParamsDescription
getSELECTcertificatesId, locationsId, projectsIdGets details of a single Certificate.
listSELECTlocationsId, projectsIdLists Certificates in a given project and location.
createINSERTlocationsId, projectsIdCreates a new Certificate in a given project and location.
deleteDELETEcertificatesId, locationsId, projectsIdDeletes a single Certificate.
_listEXEClocationsId, projectsIdLists Certificates in a given project and location.
patchEXECcertificatesId, locationsId, projectsIdUpdates a Certificate.