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namestringA user-defined name of the Certificate Map Entry. Certificate Map Entry names must be unique globally and match pattern projects/*/locations/*/certificateMaps/*/certificateMapEntries/*.
descriptionstringOne or more paragraphs of text description of a certificate map entry.
statestringOutput only. A serving state of this Certificate Map Entry.
labelsobjectSet of labels associated with a Certificate Map Entry.
matcherstringA predefined matcher for particular cases, other than SNI selection.
certificatesarrayA set of Certificates defines for the given hostname. There can be defined up to four certificates in each Certificate Map Entry. Each certificate must match pattern projects/*/locations/*/certificates/*.
hostnamestringA Hostname (FQDN, e.g. or a wildcard hostname expression (* for a set of hostnames with common suffix. Used as Server Name Indication (SNI) for selecting a proper certificate.
updateTimestringOutput only. The update timestamp of a Certificate Map Entry.
createTimestringOutput only. The creation timestamp of a Certificate Map Entry.


NameAccessible byRequired ParamsDescription
getSELECTcertificateMapEntriesId, certificateMapsId, locationsId, projectsIdGets details of a single CertificateMapEntry.
listSELECTcertificateMapsId, locationsId, projectsIdLists CertificateMapEntries in a given project and location.
createINSERTcertificateMapsId, locationsId, projectsIdCreates a new CertificateMapEntry in a given project and location.
deleteDELETEcertificateMapEntriesId, certificateMapsId, locationsId, projectsIdDeletes a single CertificateMapEntry.
_listEXECcertificateMapsId, locationsId, projectsIdLists CertificateMapEntries in a given project and location.
patchEXECcertificateMapEntriesId, certificateMapsId, locationsId, projectsIdUpdates a CertificateMapEntry.