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namestringImmutable. Assigned by the server during creation. The last segment has an arbitrary length and has only URI unreserved characters (as defined by RFC 3986 Section 2.3). Should not be specified by the client during creation. Example: "organizations/256/gcpUserAccessBindings/b3-BhcX_Ud5N"
accessLevelsarrayOptional. Access level that a user must have to be granted access. Only one access level is supported, not multiple. This repeated field must have exactly one element. Example: "accessPolicies/9522/accessLevels/device_trusted"
dryRunAccessLevelsarrayOptional. Dry run access level that will be evaluated but will not be enforced. The access denial based on dry run policy will be logged. Only one access level is supported, not multiple. This list must have exactly one element. Example: "accessPolicies/9522/accessLevels/device_trusted"
groupKeystringRequired. Immutable. Google Group id whose members are subject to this binding's restrictions. See "id" in the [G Suite Directory API's Groups resource] ( If a group's email address/alias is changed, this resource will continue to point at the changed group. This field does not accept group email addresses or aliases. Example: "01d520gv4vjcrht"


NameAccessible byRequired ParamsDescription
getSELECTgcpUserAccessBindingsId, organizationsIdGets the GcpUserAccessBinding with the given name.
listSELECTorganizationsIdLists all GcpUserAccessBindings for a Google Cloud organization.
createINSERTorganizationsIdCreates a GcpUserAccessBinding. If the client specifies a name, the server ignores it. Fails if a resource already exists with the same group_key. Completion of this long-running operation does not necessarily signify that the new binding is deployed onto all affected users, which may take more time.
deleteDELETEgcpUserAccessBindingsId, organizationsIdDeletes a GcpUserAccessBinding. Completion of this long-running operation does not necessarily signify that the binding deletion is deployed onto all affected users, which may take more time.
_listEXECorganizationsIdLists all GcpUserAccessBindings for a Google Cloud organization.
patchEXECgcpUserAccessBindingsId, organizationsIdUpdates a GcpUserAccessBinding. Completion of this long-running operation does not necessarily signify that the changed binding is deployed onto all affected users, which may take more time.