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namestringResource name for the AuthorizedOrgsDesc. Format: accessPolicies/{access_policy}/authorizedOrgsDescs/{authorized_orgs_desc}. The authorized_orgs_desc component must begin with a letter, followed by alphanumeric characters or _. After you create an AuthorizedOrgsDesc, you cannot change its name.
assetTypestringThe asset type of this authorized orgs desc. Valid values are ASSET_TYPE_DEVICE, and ASSET_TYPE_CREDENTIAL_STRENGTH.
authorizationDirectionstringThe direction of the authorization relationship between this organization and the organizations listed in the orgs field. The valid values for this field include the following: AUTHORIZATION_DIRECTION_FROM: Allows this organization to evaluate traffic in the organizations listed in the orgs field. AUTHORIZATION_DIRECTION_TO: Allows the organizations listed in the orgs field to evaluate the traffic in this organization. For the authorization relationship to take effect, all of the organizations must authorize and specify the appropriate relationship direction. For example, if organization A authorized organization B and C to evaluate its traffic, by specifying AUTHORIZATION_DIRECTION_TO as the authorization direction, organizations B and C must specify AUTHORIZATION_DIRECTION_FROM as the authorization direction in their AuthorizedOrgsDesc resource.
authorizationTypestringA granular control type for authorization levels. Valid value is AUTHORIZATION_TYPE_TRUST.
orgsarrayThe list of organization ids in this AuthorizedOrgsDesc. Format: organizations/ Example: organizations/123456


NameAccessible byRequired ParamsDescription
getSELECTaccessPoliciesId, authorizedOrgsDescsIdGets an authorized orgs desc based on the resource name.
listSELECTaccessPoliciesIdLists all authorized orgs descs for an access policy.
createINSERTaccessPoliciesIdCreates an authorized orgs desc. The long-running operation from this RPC has a successful status after the authorized orgs desc propagates to long-lasting storage. If a authorized orgs desc contains errors, an error response is returned for the first error encountered. The name of this AuthorizedOrgsDesc will be assigned during creation.
deleteDELETEaccessPoliciesId, authorizedOrgsDescsIdDeletes an authorized orgs desc based on the resource name. The long-running operation from this RPC has a successful status after the authorized orgs desc is removed from long-lasting storage.
_listEXECaccessPoliciesIdLists all authorized orgs descs for an access policy.
patchEXECaccessPoliciesId, authorizedOrgsDescsIdUpdates an authorized orgs desc. The long-running operation from this RPC has a successful status after the authorized orgs desc propagates to long-lasting storage. If a authorized orgs desc contains errors, an error response is returned for the first error encountered. Only the organization list in AuthorizedOrgsDesc can be updated. The name, authorization_type, asset_type and authorization_direction cannot be updated.