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namestringThe resource name of the ScanConfig. The name follows the format of 'projects/{projectId}/scanConfigs/{scanConfigId}'. The ScanConfig IDs are generated by the system.
authenticationobjectScan authentication configuration.
blacklistPatternsarrayThe excluded URL patterns as described in
displayNamestringRequired. The user provided display name of the ScanConfig.
exportToSecurityCommandCenterstringControls export of scan configurations and results to Security Command Center.
ignoreHttpStatusErrorsbooleanWhether to keep scanning even if most requests return HTTP error codes.
managedScanbooleanWhether the scan config is managed by Web Security Scanner, output only.
maxQpsintegerThe maximum QPS during scanning. A valid value ranges from 5 to 20 inclusively. If the field is unspecified or its value is set 0, server will default to 15. Other values outside of [5, 20] range will be rejected with INVALID_ARGUMENT error.
riskLevelstringThe risk level selected for the scan
scheduleobjectScan schedule configuration.
startingUrlsarrayRequired. The starting URLs from which the scanner finds site pages.
staticIpScanbooleanWhether the scan configuration has enabled static IP address scan feature. If enabled, the scanner will access applications from static IP addresses.
userAgentstringThe user agent used during scanning.


NameAccessible byRequired ParamsDescription
getSELECTprojectsId, scanConfigsIdGets a ScanConfig.
listSELECTprojectsIdLists ScanConfigs under a given project.
createINSERTprojectsIdCreates a new ScanConfig.
deleteDELETEprojectsId, scanConfigsIdDeletes an existing ScanConfig and its child resources.
_listEXECprojectsIdLists ScanConfigs under a given project.
patchEXECprojectsId, scanConfigsIdUpdates a ScanConfig. This method support partial update of a ScanConfig.
startEXECprojectsId, scanConfigsIdStart a ScanRun according to the given ScanConfig.