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namestringThe name of the user in the Cloud SQL instance. Can be omitted for update because it is already specified in the URL.
etagstringThis field is deprecated and will be removed from a future version of the API.
passwordPolicyobjectUser level password validation policy.
hoststringOptional. The host from which the user can connect. For insert operations, host defaults to an empty string. For update operations, host is specified as part of the request URL. The host name cannot be updated after insertion. For a MySQL instance, it's required; for a PostgreSQL or SQL Server instance, it's optional.
typestringThe user type. It determines the method to authenticate the user during login. The default is the database's built-in user type.
passwordstringThe password for the user.
kindstringThis is always sql#user.
projectstringThe project ID of the project containing the Cloud SQL database. The Google apps domain is prefixed if applicable. Can be omitted for update because it is already specified on the URL.
sqlserverUserDetailsobjectRepresents a Sql Server user on the Cloud SQL instance.
instancestringThe name of the Cloud SQL instance. This does not include the project ID. Can be omitted for update because it is already specified on the URL.
dualPasswordTypestringDual password status for the user.


NameAccessible byRequired ParamsDescription
getSELECTinstance, name, projectRetrieves a resource containing information about a user.
listSELECTinstance, projectLists users in the specified Cloud SQL instance.
insertINSERTinstance, projectCreates a new user in a Cloud SQL instance.
deleteDELETEinstance, projectDeletes a user from a Cloud SQL instance.
_listEXECinstance, projectLists users in the specified Cloud SQL instance.
updateEXECinstance, projectUpdates an existing user in a Cloud SQL instance.