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idstringA unique ID for a specific instance of this message, typically assigned by the client for tracking purpose. Must be no longer than 63 characters and only lower case letters, digits, '.', '_' and '-' are allowed. If empty, the server may choose to generate one instead.
namestringThe service name, which is a DNS-like logical identifier for the service, such as The service name typically goes through DNS verification to make sure the owner of the service also owns the DNS name.
apisarrayA list of API interfaces exported by this service. Only the name field of the google.protobuf.Api needs to be provided by the configuration author, as the remaining fields will be derived from the IDL during the normalization process. It is an error to specify an API interface here which cannot be resolved against the associated IDL files.
contextobjectContext defines which contexts an API requests. Example: context: rules: - selector: "*" requested: - google.rpc.context.ProjectContext - google.rpc.context.OriginContext The above specifies that all methods in the API request google.rpc.context.ProjectContext and google.rpc.context.OriginContext. Available context types are defined in package google.rpc.context. This also provides mechanism to allowlist any protobuf message extension that can be sent in grpc metadata using “x-goog-ext--bin” and “x-goog-ext--jspb” format. For example, list any service specific protobuf types that can appear in grpc metadata as follows in your yaml file: Example: context: rules: - selector: "google.example.library.v1.LibraryService.CreateBook" allowed_request_extensions: - allowed_response_extensions: - You can also specify extension ID instead of fully qualified extension name here.
usageobjectConfiguration controlling usage of a service.
metricsarrayDefines the metrics used by this service.
titlestringThe product title for this service, it is the name displayed in Google Cloud Console.
authenticationobjectAuthentication defines the authentication configuration for API methods provided by an API service. Example: name: authentication: providers: - id: google_calendar_auth jwks_uri: issuer: rules: - selector: "*" requirements: provider_id: google_calendar_auth - selector: google.calendar.Delegate oauth: canonical_scopes:
backendobjectBackend defines the backend configuration for a service.
systemParametersobject### System parameter configuration A system parameter is a special kind of parameter defined by the API system, not by an individual API. It is typically mapped to an HTTP header and/or a URL query parameter. This configuration specifies which methods change the names of the system parameters.
monitoringobjectMonitoring configuration of the service. The example below shows how to configure monitored resources and metrics for monitoring. In the example, a monitored resource and two metrics are defined. The metric is sent to both producer and consumer projects, whereas the metric is only sent to the consumer project. monitored_resources: - type: display_name: "Library Branch" description: "A branch of a library." launch_stage: GA labels: - key: resource_container description: "The Cloud container (ie. project id) for the Branch." - key: location description: "The location of the library branch." - key: branch_id description: "The id of the branch." metrics: - name: display_name: "Books Returned" description: "The count of books that have been returned." launch_stage: GA metric_kind: DELTA value_type: INT64 unit: "1" labels: - key: customer_id description: "The id of the customer." - name: display_name: "Books Overdue" description: "The current number of overdue books." launch_stage: GA metric_kind: GAUGE value_type: INT64 unit: "1" labels: - key: customer_id description: "The id of the customer." monitoring: producer_destinations: - monitored_resource: metrics: - consumer_destinations: - monitored_resource: metrics: - -
customErrorobjectCustomize service error responses. For example, list any service specific protobuf types that can appear in error detail lists of error responses. Example: custom_error: types: - -
configVersionintegerObsolete. Do not use. This field has no semantic meaning. The service config compiler always sets this field to 3.
controlobjectSelects and configures the service controller used by the service. Example: control: environment:
endpointsarrayConfiguration for network endpoints. If this is empty, then an endpoint with the same name as the service is automatically generated to service all defined APIs.
loggingobjectLogging configuration of the service. The following example shows how to configure logs to be sent to the producer and consumer projects. In the example, the activity_history log is sent to both the producer and consumer projects, whereas the purchase_history log is only sent to the producer project. monitored_resources: - type: labels: - key: /city description: The city where the library branch is located in. - key: /name description: The name of the branch. logs: - name: activity_history labels: - key: /customer_id - name: purchase_history logging: producer_destinations: - monitored_resource: logs: - activity_history - purchase_history consumer_destinations: - monitored_resource: logs: - activity_history
monitoredResourcesarrayDefines the monitored resources used by this service. This is required by the Service.monitoring and Service.logging configurations.
logsarrayDefines the logs used by this service.
enumsarrayA list of all enum types included in this API service. Enums referenced directly or indirectly by the apis are automatically included. Enums which are not referenced but shall be included should be listed here by name by the configuration author. Example: enums: - name: google.someapi.v1.SomeEnum
typesarrayA list of all proto message types included in this API service. Types referenced directly or indirectly by the apis are automatically included. Messages which are not referenced but shall be included, such as types used by the google.protobuf.Any type, should be listed here by name by the configuration author. Example: types: - name: google.protobuf.Int32
publishingobjectThis message configures the settings for publishing Google Cloud Client libraries generated from the service config.
documentationobjectDocumentation provides the information for describing a service. Example: documentation: summary: > The Google Calendar API gives access to most calendar features. pages: - name: Overview content: (== include google/foo/ ==) - name: Tutorial content: (== include google/foo/ ==) subpages: - name: Java content: (== include google/foo/ ==) rules: - selector: google.calendar.Calendar.Get description: > ... - selector: google.calendar.Calendar.Put description: > ... Documentation is provided in markdown syntax. In addition to standard markdown features, definition lists, tables and fenced code blocks are supported. Section headers can be provided and are interpreted relative to the section nesting of the context where a documentation fragment is embedded. Documentation from the IDL is merged with documentation defined via the config at normalization time, where documentation provided by config rules overrides IDL provided. A number of constructs specific to the API platform are supported in documentation text. In order to reference a proto element, the following notation can be used: [][] To override the display text used for the link, this can be used: [display text][] Text can be excluded from doc using the following notation: (-- internal comment --) A few directives are available in documentation. Note that directives must appear on a single line to be properly identified. The include directive includes a markdown file from an external source: (== include path/to/file ==) The resource_for directive marks a message to be the resource of a collection in REST view. If it is not specified, tools attempt to infer the resource from the operations in a collection: (== resource_for v1.shelves.books ==) The directive suppress_warning does not directly affect documentation and is documented together with service config validation.
producerProjectIdstringThe Google project that owns this service.
httpobjectDefines the HTTP configuration for an API service. It contains a list of HttpRule, each specifying the mapping of an RPC method to one or more HTTP REST API methods.
billingobjectBilling related configuration of the service. The following example shows how to configure monitored resources and metrics for billing, consumer_destinations is the only supported destination and the monitored resources need at least one label key to indicate the location of the billing usage, using different monitored resources between monitoring and billing is recommended so they can be evolved independently: monitored_resources: - type: labels: - key: description: | Predefined label to support billing location restriction. - key: city description: | Custom label to define the city where the library branch is located in. - key: name description: Custom label to define the name of the library branch. metrics: - name: metric_kind: DELTA value_type: INT64 unit: "1" billing: consumer_destinations: - monitored_resource: metrics: -
sourceInfoobjectSource information used to create a Service Config
systemTypesarrayA list of all proto message types included in this API service. It serves similar purpose as [google.api.Service.types], except that these types are not needed by user-defined APIs. Therefore, they will not show up in the generated discovery doc. This field should only be used to define system APIs in ESF.
quotaobjectQuota configuration helps to achieve fairness and budgeting in service usage. The metric based quota configuration works this way: - The service configuration defines a set of metrics. - For API calls, the quota.metric_rules maps methods to metrics with corresponding costs. - The quota.limits defines limits on the metrics, which will be used for quota checks at runtime. An example quota configuration in yaml format: quota: limits: - name: apiWriteQpsPerProject metric: unit: "1/min/{project}" # rate limit for consumer projects values: STANDARD: 10000 (The metric rules bind all methods to the read_calls metric, except for the UpdateBook and DeleteBook methods. These two methods are mapped to the write_calls metric, with the UpdateBook method consuming at twice rate as the DeleteBook method.) metric_rules: - selector: "*" metric_costs: 1 - selector: google.example.library.v1.LibraryService.UpdateBook metric_costs: 2 - selector: google.example.library.v1.LibraryService.DeleteBook metric_costs: 1 Corresponding Metric definition: metrics: - name: display_name: Read requests metric_kind: DELTA value_type: INT64 - name: display_name: Write requests metric_kind: DELTA value_type: INT64


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