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namestringOutput only. The unique name of this Task.
satisfiesPzsbooleanOutput only. Reserved for future use.
logUristringOutput only. URI where logs for this execution can be found in Cloud Console.
uidstringOutput only. Server assigned unique identifier for the Task. The value is a UUID4 string and guaranteed to remain unchanged until the resource is deleted.
maxRetriesintegerNumber of retries allowed per Task, before marking this Task failed.
indexintegerOutput only. Index of the Task, unique per execution, and beginning at 0.
encryptionKeystringOutput only. A reference to a customer managed encryption key (CMEK) to use to encrypt this container image. For more information, go to
timeoutstringMax allowed time duration the Task may be active before the system will actively try to mark it failed and kill associated containers. This applies per attempt of a task, meaning each retry can run for the full timeout.
serviceAccountstringEmail address of the IAM service account associated with the Task of a Job. The service account represents the identity of the running task, and determines what permissions the task has. If not provided, the task will use the project's default service account.
createTimestringOutput only. Represents time when the task was created by the system. It is not guaranteed to be set in happens-before order across separate operations.
generationstringOutput only. A number that monotonically increases every time the user modifies the desired state.
deleteTimestringOutput only. For a deleted resource, the deletion time. It is only populated as a response to a Delete request.
containersarrayHolds the single container that defines the unit of execution for this task.
executionstringOutput only. The name of the parent Execution.
labelsobjectOutput only. Unstructured key value map that can be used to organize and categorize objects. User-provided labels are shared with Google's billing system, so they can be used to filter, or break down billing charges by team, component, environment, state, etc. For more information, visit or
vpcAccessobjectVPC Access settings. For more information on creating a VPC Connector, visit For information on how to configure Cloud Run with an existing VPC Connector, visit
reconcilingbooleanOutput only. Indicates whether the resource's reconciliation is still in progress. See comments in Job.reconciling for additional information on reconciliation process in Cloud Run.
lastAttemptResultobjectResult of a task attempt.
observedGenerationstringOutput only. The generation of this Task. See comments in Job.reconciling for additional information on reconciliation process in Cloud Run.
completionTimestringOutput only. Represents time when the Task was completed. It is not guaranteed to be set in happens-before order across separate operations.
etagstringOutput only. A system-generated fingerprint for this version of the resource. May be used to detect modification conflict during updates.
expireTimestringOutput only. For a deleted resource, the time after which it will be permamently deleted. It is only populated as a response to a Delete request.
volumesarrayA list of Volumes to make available to containers.
jobstringOutput only. The name of the parent Job.
updateTimestringOutput only. The last-modified time.
annotationsobjectOutput only. Unstructured key value map that may be set by external tools to store and arbitrary metadata. They are not queryable and should be preserved when modifying objects.
startTimestringOutput only. Represents time when the task started to run. It is not guaranteed to be set in happens-before order across separate operations.
executionEnvironmentstringThe execution environment being used to host this Task.
retriedintegerOutput only. The number of times this Task was retried. Tasks are retried when they fail up to the maxRetries limit.
conditionsarrayOutput only. The Condition of this Task, containing its readiness status, and detailed error information in case it did not reach the desired state.


NameAccessible byRequired ParamsDescription
getSELECTexecutionsId, jobsId, locationsId, projectsId, tasksIdGets information about a Task.
listSELECTexecutionsId, jobsId, locationsId, projectsIdLists Tasks from an Execution of a Job.
_listEXECexecutionsId, jobsId, locationsId, projectsIdLists Tasks from an Execution of a Job.