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namestringImmutable. The name of an internal range. Format: projects/{project}/locations/{location}/internalRanges/{internal_range} See:
descriptionstringA description of this resource.
prefixLengthintegerAn alternate to ip_cidr_range. Can be set when trying to create a reservation that automatically finds a free range of the given size. If both ip_cidr_range and prefix_length are set, there is an error if the range sizes do not match. Can also be used during updates to change the range size.
overlapsarrayOptional. Types of resources that are allowed to overlap with the current internal range.
labelsobjectUser-defined labels.
updateTimestringTime when the internal range was updated.
usagestringThe type of usage set for this InternalRange.
createTimestringTime when the internal range was created.
ipCidrRangestringThe IP range that this internal range defines.
usersarrayOutput only. The list of resources that refer to this internal range. Resources that use the internal range for their range allocation are referred to as users of the range. Other resources mark themselves as users while doing so by creating a reference to this internal range. Having a user, based on this reference, prevents deletion of the internal range referred to. Can be empty.
peeringstringThe type of peering set for this internal range.
networkstringThe URL or resource ID of the network in which to reserve the internal range. The network cannot be deleted if there are any reserved internal ranges referring to it. Legacy networks are not supported. This can only be specified for a global internal address. Example: - URL: /compute/v1/projects/{project}/global/networks/{resourceId} - ID: network123
targetCidrRangearrayOptional. Can be set to narrow down or pick a different address space while searching for a free range. If not set, defaults to the "" address space. This can be used to search in other rfc-1918 address spaces like "" and "" or non-rfc-1918 address spaces used in the VPC.


NameAccessible byRequired ParamsDescription
getSELECTinternalRangesId, locationsId, projectsIdGets details of a single internal range.
listSELECTlocationsId, projectsIdLists internal ranges in a given project and location.
createINSERTlocationsId, projectsIdCreates a new internal range in a given project and location.
deleteDELETEinternalRangesId, locationsId, projectsIdDeletes a single internal range.
_listEXEClocationsId, projectsIdLists internal ranges in a given project and location.
patchEXECinternalRangesId, locationsId, projectsIdUpdates the parameters of a single internal range.