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namestringRequired. The unique name of the domain using the form: projects/{project_id}/locations/global/domains/{domain_name}.
adminstringOptional. The name of delegated administrator account used to perform Active Directory operations. If not specified, setupadmin will be used.
reservedIpRangestringRequired. The CIDR range of internal addresses that are reserved for this domain. Reserved networks must be /24 or larger. Ranges must be unique and non-overlapping with existing subnets in [Domain].[authorized_networks].
updateTimestringOutput only. The last update time.
locationsarrayRequired. Locations where domain needs to be provisioned. regions e.g. us-west1 or us-east4 Service supports up to 4 locations at once. Each location will use a /26 block.
trustsarrayOutput only. The current trusts associated with the domain.
statusMessagestringOutput only. Additional information about the current status of this domain, if available.
auditLogsEnabledbooleanOptional. Configuration for audit logs. True if audit logs are enabled, else false. Default is audit logs disabled.
createTimestringOutput only. The time the instance was created.
authorizedNetworksarrayOptional. The full names of the Google Compute Engine networks the domain instance is connected to. Networks can be added using UpdateDomain. The domain is only available on networks listed in authorized_networks. If CIDR subnets overlap between networks, domain creation will fail.
statestringOutput only. The current state of this domain.
labelsobjectOptional. Resource labels that can contain user-provided metadata.
fqdnstringOutput only. The fully-qualified domain name of the exposed domain used by clients to connect to the service. Similar to what would be chosen for an Active Directory set up on an internal network.


NameAccessible byRequired ParamsDescription
getSELECTdomainsId, projectsIdGets information about a domain.
listSELECTprojectsIdLists domains in a project.
createINSERTprojectsIdCreates a Microsoft AD domain.
deleteDELETEdomainsId, projectsIdDeletes a domain.
_listEXECprojectsIdLists domains in a project.
attach_trustEXECdomainsId, projectsIdAdds an AD trust to a domain.
check_migration_permissionEXECdomainsId, projectsIdCheckMigrationPermission API gets the current state of DomainMigration
detach_trustEXECdomainsId, projectsIdRemoves an AD trust.
disable_migrationEXECdomainsId, projectsIdDisable Domain Migration
domain_join_machineEXECdomainsId, projectsIdDomainJoinMachine API joins a Compute Engine VM to the domain
enable_migrationEXECdomainsId, projectsIdEnable Domain Migration
extend_schemaEXECdomainsId, projectsIdExtend Schema for Domain
patchEXECdomainsId, projectsIdUpdates the metadata and configuration of a domain.
reconfigure_trustEXECdomainsId, projectsIdUpdates the DNS conditional forwarder.
reset_admin_passwordEXECdomainsId, projectsIdResets a domain's administrator password.
restoreEXECdomainsId, projectsIdRestoreDomain restores domain backup mentioned in the RestoreDomainRequest
validate_trustEXECdomainsId, projectsIdValidates a trust state, that the target domain is reachable, and that the target domain is able to accept incoming trust requests.