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namestringFormat: projects//locations//agents//flows//versions/. Version ID is a self-increasing number generated by Dialogflow upon version creation.
descriptionstringThe description of the version. The maximum length is 500 characters. If exceeded, the request is rejected.
createTimestringOutput only. Create time of the version.
displayNamestringRequired. The human-readable name of the version. Limit of 64 characters.
nluSettingsobjectSettings related to NLU.
statestringOutput only. The state of this version. This field is read-only and cannot be set by create and update methods.


NameAccessible byRequired ParamsDescription
projects_locations_agents_flows_versions_getSELECTagentsId, flowsId, locationsId, projectsId, versionsIdRetrieves the specified Version.
projects_locations_agents_flows_versions_listSELECTagentsId, flowsId, locationsId, projectsIdReturns the list of all versions in the specified Flow.
projects_locations_agents_flows_versions_createINSERTagentsId, flowsId, locationsId, projectsIdCreates a Version in the specified Flow. This method is a long-running operation. The returned Operation type has the following method-specific fields: - metadata: CreateVersionOperationMetadata - response: Version
projects_locations_agents_flows_versions_deleteDELETEagentsId, flowsId, locationsId, projectsId, versionsIdDeletes the specified Version.
_projects_locations_agents_flows_versions_listEXECagentsId, flowsId, locationsId, projectsIdReturns the list of all versions in the specified Flow.
projects_locations_agents_flows_versions_compare_versionsEXECagentsId, flowsId, locationsId, projectsId, versionsIdCompares the specified base version with target version.
projects_locations_agents_flows_versions_loadEXECagentsId, flowsId, locationsId, projectsId, versionsIdLoads resources in the specified version to the draft flow. This method is a long-running operation. The returned Operation type has the following method-specific fields: - metadata: An empty Struct message - response: An Empty message
projects_locations_agents_flows_versions_patchEXECagentsId, flowsId, locationsId, projectsId, versionsIdUpdates the specified Version.