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namestringImmutable. The resource name of the lineage event. Format: projects/{project}/locations/{location}/processes/{process}/runs/{run}/lineageEvents/{lineage_event}. Can be specified or auto-assigned. {lineageevent} must be not longer than 200 characters and only contain characters in a set: `a-zA-Z0-9-:.`
endTimestringOptional. The end of the transformation which resulted in this lineage event. For streaming scenarios, it should be the end of the period from which the lineage is being reported.
linksarrayOptional. List of source-target pairs. Can't contain more than 100 tuples.
startTimestringRequired. The beginning of the transformation which resulted in this lineage event. For streaming scenarios, it should be the beginning of the period from which the lineage is being reported.


NameAccessible byRequired ParamsDescription
getSELECTlineageEventsId, locationsId, processesId, projectsId, runsIdGets details of a specified lineage event.
listSELECTlocationsId, processesId, projectsId, runsIdLists lineage events in the given project and location. The list order is not defined.
createINSERTlocationsId, processesId, projectsId, runsIdCreates a new lineage event.
deleteDELETElineageEventsId, locationsId, processesId, projectsId, runsIdDeletes the lineage event with the specified name.
_listEXEClocationsId, processesId, projectsId, runsIdLists lineage events in the given project and location. The list order is not defined.