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namestringOutput only. AnnotatedDataset resource name in format of: projects/{project_id}/datasets/{dataset_id}/annotatedDatasets/ {annotated_dataset_id}
descriptionstringOutput only. The description of the AnnotatedDataset. It is specified in HumanAnnotationConfig when user starts a labeling task. Maximum of 10000 characters.
labelStatsobjectStatistics about annotation specs.
blockingResourcesarrayOutput only. The names of any related resources that are blocking changes to the annotated dataset.
completedExampleCountstringOutput only. Number of examples that have annotation in the annotated dataset.
metadataobjectMetadata on AnnotatedDataset.
displayNamestringOutput only. The display name of the AnnotatedDataset. It is specified in HumanAnnotationConfig when user starts a labeling task. Maximum of 64 characters.
createTimestringOutput only. Time the AnnotatedDataset was created.
exampleCountstringOutput only. Number of examples in the annotated dataset.
annotationSourcestringOutput only. Source of the annotation.
annotationTypestringOutput only. Type of the annotation. It is specified when starting labeling task.


NameAccessible byRequired ParamsDescription
projects_datasets_annotated_datasets_getSELECTannotatedDatasetsId, datasetsId, projectsIdGets an annotated dataset by resource name.
projects_datasets_annotated_datasets_listSELECTdatasetsId, projectsIdLists annotated datasets for a dataset. Pagination is supported.
projects_datasets_annotated_datasets_deleteDELETEannotatedDatasetsId, datasetsId, projectsIdDeletes an annotated dataset by resource name.
_projects_datasets_annotated_datasets_listEXECdatasetsId, projectsIdLists annotated datasets for a dataset. Pagination is supported.