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Creates, updates, deletes, gets or lists a regions resource.




idstring[Output Only] The unique identifier for the resource. This identifier is defined by the server.
namestring[Output Only] Name of the resource.
descriptionstring[Output Only] Textual description of the resource.
creationTimestampstring[Output Only] Creation timestamp in RFC3339 text format.
deprecatedobjectDeprecation status for a public resource.
kindstring[Output Only] Type of the resource. Always compute#region for regions.
quotaStatusWarningobject[Output Only] Warning of fetching the quotas field for this region. This field is populated only if fetching of the quotas field fails.
quotasarray[Output Only] Quotas assigned to this region.
selfLinkstring[Output Only] Server-defined URL for the resource.
statusstring[Output Only] Status of the region, either UP or DOWN.
supportsPzsboolean[Output Only] Reserved for future use.
zonesarray[Output Only] A list of zones available in this region, in the form of resource URLs.


NameAccessible byRequired ParamsDescription
getSELECTproject, regionReturns the specified Region resource. To decrease latency for this method, you can optionally omit any unneeded information from the response by using a field mask. This practice is especially recommended for unused quota information (the quotas field). To exclude one or more fields, set your request's fields query parameter to only include the fields you need. For example, to only include the id and selfLink fields, add the query parameter ?fields=id,selfLink to your request. This method fails if the quota information is unavailable for the region and if the organization policy constraint compute.requireBasicQuotaInResponse is enforced. This constraint, when enforced, disables the fail-open behaviour when quota information (the items.quotas field) is unavailable for the region. It is recommended to use the default setting for the constraint unless your application requires the fail-closed behaviour for this method.
listSELECTprojectRetrieves the list of region resources available to the specified project. To decrease latency for this method, you can optionally omit any unneeded information from the response by using a field mask. This practice is especially recommended for unused quota information (the items.quotas field). To exclude one or more fields, set your request's fields query parameter to only include the fields you need. For example, to only include the id and selfLink fields, add the query parameter ?fields=id,selfLink to your request. This method fails if the quota information is unavailable for the region and if the organization policy constraint compute.requireBasicQuotaInResponse is enforced. This constraint, when enforced, disables the fail-open behaviour when quota information (the items.quotas field) is unavailable for the region. It is recommended to use the default setting for the constraint unless your application requires the fail-closed behaviour for this method.

SELECT examples

Retrieves the list of region resources available to the specified project. To decrease latency for this method, you can optionally omit any unneeded information from the response by using a field mask. This practice is especially recommended for unused quota information (the items.quotas field). To exclude one or more fields, set your request's fields query parameter to only include the fields you need. For example, to only include the id and selfLink fields, add the query parameter ?fields=id,selfLink to your request. This method fails if the quota information is unavailable for the region and if the organization policy constraint compute.requireBasicQuotaInResponse is enforced. This constraint, when enforced, disables the fail-open behaviour when quota information (the items.quotas field) is unavailable for the region. It is recommended to use the default setting for the constraint unless your application requires the fail-closed behaviour for this method.

FROM google.compute.regions
WHERE project = '{{ project }}';