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SELECT not supported for this resource, use SHOW METHODS to view available operations for the resource and then invoke a supported method using the EXEC command


NameAccessible byRequired ParamsDescription
add_instancesEXECinstanceGroup, project, zoneAdds a list of instances to the specified instance group. All of the instances in the instance group must be in the same network/subnetwork. Read Adding instances for more information.
list_instancesEXECinstanceGroup, project, zoneLists the instances in the specified instance group. The orderBy query parameter is not supported. The filter query parameter is supported, but only for expressions that use eq (equal) or ne (not equal) operators.
remove_instancesEXECinstanceGroup, project, zoneRemoves one or more instances from the specified instance group, but does not delete those instances. If the group is part of a backend service that has enabled connection draining, it can take up to 60 seconds after the connection draining duration before the VM instance is removed or deleted.