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namestringOutput only. Resource name of the Inbound SSO Assignment.
ssoModestringInbound SSO behavior.
targetGroupstringImmutable. Must be of the form groups/{group}.
targetOrgUnitstringImmutable. Must be of the form orgUnits/{org_unit}.
customerstringImmutable. The customer. For example: customers/C0123abc.
rankintegerMust be zero (which is the default value so it can be omitted) for assignments with target_org_unit set and must be greater-than-or-equal-to one for assignments with target_group set.
samlSsoInfoobjectDetails that are applicable when sso_mode == SAML_SSO.
signInBehaviorobjectControls sign-in behavior.


NameAccessible byRequired ParamsDescription
getSELECTinboundSsoAssignmentsIdGets an InboundSsoAssignment.
listSELECTLists the InboundSsoAssignments for a Customer.
createINSERTCreates an InboundSsoAssignment for users and devices in a Customer under a given Group or OrgUnit.
deleteDELETEinboundSsoAssignmentsIdDeletes an InboundSsoAssignment. To disable SSO, Create (or Update) an assignment that has sso_mode == SSO_OFF.
_listEXECLists the InboundSsoAssignments for a Customer.
patchEXECinboundSsoAssignmentsIdUpdates an InboundSsoAssignment. The body of this request is the inbound_sso_assignment field and the update_mask is relative to that. For example: a PATCH to /v1/inboundSsoAssignments/0abcdefg1234567&update_mask=rank with a body of { "rank": 1 } moves that (presumably group-targeted) SSO assignment to the highest priority and shifts any other group-targeted assignments down in priority.