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namestringOutput only. Resource name of the budget. The resource name implies the scope of a budget. Values are of the form billingAccounts/{billingAccountId}/budgets/{budgetId}.
notificationsRuleobjectNotificationsRule defines notifications that are sent based on budget spend and thresholds.
thresholdRulesarrayOptional. Rules that trigger alerts (notifications of thresholds being crossed) when spend exceeds the specified percentages of the budget. Optional for pubsubTopic notifications. Required if using email notifications.
amountobjectThe budgeted amount for each usage period.
budgetFilterobjectA filter for a budget, limiting the scope of the cost to calculate.
displayNamestringUser data for display name in UI. The name must be less than or equal to 60 characters.
etagstringOptional. Etag to validate that the object is unchanged for a read-modify-write operation. An empty etag causes an update to overwrite other changes.


NameAccessible byRequired ParamsDescription
getSELECTbillingAccountsId, budgetsIdReturns a budget. WARNING: There are some fields exposed on the Google Cloud Console that aren't available on this API. When reading from the API, you will not see these fields in the return value, though they may have been set in the Cloud Console.
listSELECTbillingAccountsIdReturns a list of budgets for a billing account. WARNING: There are some fields exposed on the Google Cloud Console that aren't available on this API. When reading from the API, you will not see these fields in the return value, though they may have been set in the Cloud Console.
createINSERTbillingAccountsIdCreates a new budget. See Quotas and limits for more information on the limits of the number of budgets you can create.
deleteDELETEbillingAccountsId, budgetsIdDeletes a budget. Returns successfully if already deleted.
_listEXECbillingAccountsIdReturns a list of budgets for a billing account. WARNING: There are some fields exposed on the Google Cloud Console that aren't available on this API. When reading from the API, you will not see these fields in the return value, though they may have been set in the Cloud Console.
patchEXECbillingAccountsId, budgetsIdUpdates a budget and returns the updated budget. WARNING: There are some fields exposed on the Google Cloud Console that aren't available on this API. Budget fields that are not exposed in this API will not be changed by this method.