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namestringOutput only. Name of the resource. E.g.: projects/myproject/locations/US/reservations/team1-prod/assignments/123. The assignment_id must only contain lower case alphanumeric characters or dashes and the max length is 64 characters.
assigneestringThe resource which will use the reservation. E.g. projects/myproject, folders/123, or organizations/456.
jobTypestringWhich type of jobs will use the reservation.
statestringOutput only. State of the assignment.


NameAccessible byRequired ParamsDescription
listSELECTlocationsId, projectsId, reservationsIdLists assignments. Only explicitly created assignments will be returned. Example: Organization organizationA contains two projects, project1 and project2. Reservation res1 exists and was created previously. * CreateAssignment was used previously to define the following associations between entities and reservations: and In this example, ListAssignments will just return the above two assignments for reservation res1, and no expansion/merge will happen. The wildcard "-" can be used for reservations in the request. In that case all assignments belongs to the specified project and location will be listed. Note "-" cannot be used for projects nor locations.
createINSERTlocationsId, projectsId, reservationsIdCreates an assignment object which allows the given project to submit jobs of a certain type using slots from the specified reservation. Currently a resource (project, folder, organization) can only have one assignment per each (job_type, location) combination, and that reservation will be used for all jobs of the matching type. Different assignments can be created on different levels of the projects, folders or organization hierarchy. During query execution, the assignment is looked up at the project, folder and organization levels in that order. The first assignment found is applied to the query. When creating assignments, it does not matter if other assignments exist at higher levels. Example: The organization organizationA contains two projects, project1 and project2. Assignments for all three entities (organizationA, project1, and project2) could all be created and mapped to the same or different reservations. "None" assignments represent an absence of the assignment. Projects assigned to None use on-demand pricing. To create a "None" assignment, use "none" as a reservation_id in the parent. Example parent: projects/myproject/locations/US/reservations/none. Returns google.rpc.Code.PERMISSION_DENIED if user does not have 'bigquery.admin' permissions on the project using the reservation and the project that owns this reservation. Returns google.rpc.Code.INVALID_ARGUMENT when location of the assignment does not match location of the reservation.
deleteDELETEassignmentsId, locationsId, projectsId, reservationsIdDeletes a assignment. No expansion will happen. Example: Organization organizationA contains two projects, project1 and project2. Reservation res1 exists and was created previously. * CreateAssignment was used previously to define the following associations between entities and reservations: and In this example, deletion of the assignment won't affect the other assignment. After said deletion, queries from project1 will still use res1 while queries from project2 will switch to use on-demand mode.
_listEXEClocationsId, projectsId, reservationsIdLists assignments. Only explicitly created assignments will be returned. Example: Organization organizationA contains two projects, project1 and project2. Reservation res1 exists and was created previously. * CreateAssignment was used previously to define the following associations between entities and reservations: and In this example, ListAssignments will just return the above two assignments for reservation res1, and no expansion/merge will happen. The wildcard "-" can be used for reservations in the request. In that case all assignments belongs to the specified project and location will be listed. Note "-" cannot be used for projects nor locations.
moveEXECassignmentsId, locationsId, projectsId, reservationsIdMoves an assignment under a new reservation. This differs from removing an existing assignment and recreating a new one by providing a transactional change that ensures an assignee always has an associated reservation.
patchEXECassignmentsId, locationsId, projectsId, reservationsIdUpdates an existing assignment. Only the priority field can be updated.