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idstringAn identifier for the Network, generated by the backend.
namestringOutput only. The resource name of this Network. Resource names are schemeless URIs that follow the conventions in Format: projects/{project}/locations/{location}/networks/{network}
mountPointsarrayInput only. List of mount points to attach the network to.
vlanIdstringThe vlan id of the Network.
vrfobjectA network VRF.
gatewayIpstringOutput only. Gateway ip address.
reservationsarrayList of IP address reservations in this network. When updating this field, an error will be generated if a reservation conflicts with an IP address already allocated to a physical server.
ipAddressstringIP address configured.
jumboFramesEnabledbooleanWhether network uses standard frames or jumbo ones.
statestringThe Network state.
typestringThe type of this network.
cidrstringThe cidr of the Network.
podstringOutput only. Pod name.
servicesCidrstringIP range for reserved for services (e.g. NFS).
labelsobjectLabels as key value pairs.
macAddressarrayList of physical interfaces.


NameAccessible byRequired ParamsDescription
getSELECTlocationsId, networksId, projectsIdGet details of a single network.
listSELECTlocationsId, projectsIdList network in a given project and location.
_listEXEClocationsId, projectsIdList network in a given project and location.
patchEXEClocationsId, networksId, projectsIdUpdate details of a single network.
renameEXEClocationsId, networksId, projectsIdRenameNetwork sets a new name for a network. Use with caution, previous names become immediately invalidated.