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namestringOutput only. The resource name of the subscription. e.g. projects/myproject/locations/US/subscriptions/123.
organizationIdstringOutput only. Organization of the project this subscription belongs to.
listingstringOutput only. Resource name of the source Listing. e.g. projects/123/locations/US/dataExchanges/456/listings/789
organizationDisplayNamestringOutput only. Display name of the project of this subscription.
statestringOutput only. Current state of the subscription.
creationTimestringOutput only. Timestamp when the subscription was created.
lastModifyTimestringOutput only. Timestamp when the subscription was last modified.
linkedDatasetMapobjectOutput only. Map of listing resource names to associated linked resource, e.g. projects/123/locations/US/dataExchanges/456/listings/789 -> projects/123/datasets/my_dataset For listing-level subscriptions, this is a map of size 1. Only contains values if state == STATE_ACTIVE.
dataExchangestringOutput only. Resource name of the source Data Exchange. e.g. projects/123/locations/US/dataExchanges/456
subscriberContactstringOutput only. Email of the subscriber.


NameAccessible byRequired ParamsDescription
projects_locations_subscriptions_getSELECTlocationsId, projectsId, subscriptionsIdGets the details of a Subscription.
projects_locations_subscriptions_listSELECTlocationsId, projectsIdLists all subscriptions in a given project and location.
projects_locations_subscriptions_deleteDELETElocationsId, projectsId, subscriptionsIdDeletes a subscription.
_projects_locations_subscriptions_listEXEClocationsId, projectsIdLists all subscriptions in a given project and location.
projects_locations_subscriptions_refreshEXEClocationsId, projectsId, subscriptionsIdRefreshes a Subscription to a Data Exchange. A Data Exchange can become stale when a publisher adds or removes data. This is a long-running operation as it may create many linked datasets.
projects_locations_subscriptions_revokeEXEClocationsId, projectsId, subscriptionsIdRevokes a given subscription.