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Creates, updates, deletes, gets or lists a event_threat_detection_modules resource.




namestringImmutable. The resource name of the Event Threat Detection custom module. Its format is: organizations/{organization}/eventThreatDetectionSettings/customModules/{module}. folders/{folder}/eventThreatDetectionSettings/customModules/{module}. * projects/{project}/eventThreatDetectionSettings/customModules/{module}.
descriptionstringThe description for the module.
ancestorModulestringOutput only. The closest ancestor module that this module inherits the enablement state from. The format is the same as the EventThreatDetectionCustomModule resource name.
configobjectConfig for the module. For the resident module, its config value is defined at this level. For the inherited module, its config value is inherited from the ancestor module.
displayNamestringThe human readable name to be displayed for the module.
enablementStatestringThe state of enablement for the module at the given level of the hierarchy.
lastEditorstringOutput only. The editor the module was last updated by.
typestringType for the module. e.g. CONFIGURABLE_BAD_IP.
updateTimestringOutput only. The time the module was last updated.


NameAccessible byRequired ParamsDescription
folders_event_threat_detection_settings_custom_modules_listSELECTfoldersIdLists all Event Threat Detection custom modules for the given Resource Manager parent. This includes resident modules defined at the scope of the parent along with modules inherited from ancestors.
organizations_event_threat_detection_settings_custom_modules_listSELECTorganizationsIdLists all Event Threat Detection custom modules for the given Resource Manager parent. This includes resident modules defined at the scope of the parent along with modules inherited from ancestors.
projects_event_threat_detection_settings_custom_modules_listSELECTprojectsIdLists all Event Threat Detection custom modules for the given Resource Manager parent. This includes resident modules defined at the scope of the parent along with modules inherited from ancestors.
folders_event_threat_detection_settings_custom_modules_createINSERTfoldersIdCreates a resident Event Threat Detection custom module at the scope of the given Resource Manager parent, and also creates inherited custom modules for all descendants of the given parent. These modules are enabled by default.
organizations_event_threat_detection_settings_custom_modules_createINSERTorganizationsIdCreates a resident Event Threat Detection custom module at the scope of the given Resource Manager parent, and also creates inherited custom modules for all descendants of the given parent. These modules are enabled by default.
projects_event_threat_detection_settings_custom_modules_createINSERTprojectsIdCreates a resident Event Threat Detection custom module at the scope of the given Resource Manager parent, and also creates inherited custom modules for all descendants of the given parent. These modules are enabled by default.
folders_event_threat_detection_settings_custom_modules_deleteDELETEcustomModulesId, foldersIdDeletes the specified Event Threat Detection custom module and all of its descendants in the Resource Manager hierarchy. This method is only supported for resident custom modules.
organizations_event_threat_detection_settings_custom_modules_deleteDELETEcustomModulesId, organizationsIdDeletes the specified Event Threat Detection custom module and all of its descendants in the Resource Manager hierarchy. This method is only supported for resident custom modules.
projects_event_threat_detection_settings_custom_modules_deleteDELETEcustomModulesId, projectsIdDeletes the specified Event Threat Detection custom module and all of its descendants in the Resource Manager hierarchy. This method is only supported for resident custom modules.

SELECT examples

Lists all Event Threat Detection custom modules for the given Resource Manager parent. This includes resident modules defined at the scope of the parent along with modules inherited from ancestors.

FROM google.securitycenter.event_threat_detection_modules
WHERE foldersId = '{{ foldersId }}';

INSERT example

Use the following StackQL query and manifest file to create a new event_threat_detection_modules resource.

/*+ create */
INSERT INTO google.securitycenter.event_threat_detection_modules (
'{{ foldersId }}',
'{{ name }}',
'{{ config }}',
'{{ enablementState }}',
'{{ type }}',
'{{ displayName }}',
'{{ description }}'

DELETE example

Deletes the specified event_threat_detection_modules resource.

/*+ delete */
DELETE FROM google.securitycenter.event_threat_detection_modules
WHERE customModulesId = '{{ customModulesId }}'
AND foldersId = '{{ foldersId }}';