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Cloud computing services offered by Google.

Provider Summary (v24.06.00236)
total services: 163
total methods: 8365
total resources: 1706
total selectable resources: 1438

See also:


To pull the latest version of the google provider, run the following command:


To view previous provider versions or to pull a specific provider version, see here.


The following authentication methods are supported:

  • service_account
  • interactive for running interactive queries from Cloud Shell or other machines where the user is authenticated using gcloud auth login

for more information on creating service accounts and key files, see Service accounts overview.

Service Account Environment Variable (default)

The following system environment variable is used by default:

  • GOOGLE_CREDENTIALS - contents of the google service account key json file. This variable is sourced at runtime (from the local machine using export GOOGLE_CREDENTIALS=cat creds/my-sa-key.json for example or as a CI variable/secret).

This variable is sourced at runtime (from the local machine using export GOOGLE_CREDENTIALS=$(cat creds/my-sa-key.json) for example or as a CI variable/secret).

Specifying the service account key file location directly

You can specify the path to the service account key file without using the default environment variable by using the --auth flag of the stackql program. For example:

AUTH='{ "google": { "type": "service_account",  "credentialsfilepath": "creds/sa-key.json" }}'
stackql shell --auth="${AUTH}"

or using PowerShell:

$Auth = "{ 'google': { 'type': 'service_account',  'credentialsfilepath': 'creds/sa-key.json' }}"
stackql.exe shell --auth=$Auth

Interactive Authentication

When you are using Google Cloud Shell or on a machine where you have authenticated using gcloud auth login, you can then use the following authentication method:

AUTH='{ "google": { "type": "interactive" }}'
stackql shell --auth="${AUTH}"

or using PowerShell:

$Auth = "{ 'google': { 'type': 'interactive' }}"
stackql.exe shell --auth=$Auth
